Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bringing in 2014 with some resolutions

-Get a 3.5 gpa next semester
-Apply to Loyola & Colorado schools
-Finish my BA in Accounting
-Have a stable well-paying job(s)
-Remember that regrets are a waste of time and emotion and to keep my head high and focused on the future. 
-Enhance my crochet skills
-Learn to ride a bike
-Begin the journey of getting my CPA license 
-Make new friends & rekindle old friendships 

Good-bye 2013. Thanks for all of the life lessons learned; both good and bad. I lost my uncle to a heart attack early this year but I also got my brother back from jail. I'm recovering from severe anxiety and depression and I'm gaining my confidence back. My life has never been easy & I'm sure 2014 will have just as many roller coasters. But I've finally learned that every setback is just a clarification of who I am and what I believe in. 

It's almost 2014!

I can't believe how fast this year went by!  It wasn't my most impressive year but I'm happy with what I did accomplish. 
I learned to crochet.
I taught myself basic yoga. 
I went back to school. 
I got a job. 
And most of all, I'm finally feeling comfortable in my own skin again. 

I never thought I would have a passion for crocheting but I'm blessed to have found it. It has been my getaway, my meditation, my craft, and most of all it's something I love doing! And now that schools out and the holidays are pretty much over, I get to relax and get back to yarn and hook. 

I always make New Years resolutions and this year is no different. I can't wait to grow more as a person and feel confident and ambitious for all of the ups and downs 2014 has in store for me. 

Expect an improved Ally next year. No doubt about it. 😘✌️