So since all of this has happened, I've currently been working on finding a place to live and a job/internship/work-study for the semester. I will be taking two accounting classes; audit & non-profit accounting, business capstone, intro to buddhism (I'm so excited about this class!), and an internship/career development class. I'm pretty excited for my classes. I'm such a nerd but at the same time I can't believe all this is happening so fast! Once I get my degree I can begin my journey to getting my CPA...Which means four long greuling tests and two years of experience. It's going to be a long journey but it's one I have mentally been preparing myself for and one of my biggest goals in life. & of course, I'll have my yarn & hook to keep me sane while all of this is going on!
I haven't really been crocheting much because I've been so overwhelmed with everything going on and I've been trying to take advantage of my final few weeks at home by going to the beach a lot and hanging out with friends and family. I'm going to miss Hawaii, but I can't wait to move on to the next chapter of my life. :)